Saturday, June 19, 2010

how can we keep from singing?

Here are a few scribbles from my journal that I've been keeping this summer. Enjoy. :)

June 18, 2010: Lake Yale Conference Center: Leesburg, Forida

Camp- week one. Finished. Done. Sigh.
I feel like a real staffer now. I guess it took training week, a long drive to Florida, and five of the most stressful, exciting, joyous, indescribable, and happy days for it to finally click. Thirteen children became Christians this week. Seven dedicated their lives to God again. Three answered a call to missions. This week was life changing for me indeed. I can't imagine the person I will be in seven weeks from now. I can tell good things are yet to come and even now, as a CentriKid staffer (finally), God is still not finished molding, shaping, and healing my heart. Every bit of the sweating, heavy lifting, cuts, bruises, nausea, lack of sleep, lack of food, late nights, and early mornings was done so that this week, we welcomed thirteen more brothers and sisters into our family. We are adopted. We are being changed. We are unique.

How great the love the Father has shown us that He would call us His own!


June 22, 2010: Eckerd College: St. Petersburg, Florida

1 John 3:13: Don't be surprised, brothers, if the world hates you....
The past two days have been a little rough here at Eckerd. We have had a lot of challenges and hurdles and glitches set before us, and satan is really trying to throw us off. But in all these challenges, the One who called us is faithful. He will not put anything before us that He knows that we cannot handle. CK5 must be incredibly strong in the eyes of the Lord. And here's the thing: we cannot fail. Where there is love, there is God. And even though we've all been tired, frustrated, upset, and stressed, my heart is full of love.

I love my team members more than they know. Each one of them has been such a huge blessing to my life; in fact, I can't imagine my life without them now.

I love these kids that come to camp. I love their enthusiasm, their spirit, their passion, and their innocence.

Love + sharing the Gospel = the reason I do camp.

This week started out like this :
a chemistry lab for a bible study room
rainy opening celebration
sick staffers
confusing campus
etc. etc.

However, in the midst of the storm (quite literally), I saw one of the most beautiful rainbows in the sky that I have ever seen in my life.

I'm going to paraphrase something that Jordyn, our production leader, told us during a time of prayer before worship.

Neither locked doors,
nor sick staffers,
nor police training,
nor "light ice",
nor crazy locations,
nor no sound tech,
nor locked doors......
can keep God from moving this week.

Our God will not be moved...our God will never be shaken!


1 comment:

  1. I know in just one week God changed me just by being with you all and it was amazing to see and feel the differance in me and the impact I had on other players during my football practice these last couple of days so tell every one I said thank you for being AWESOME and pulling me out of my comfort zone hope to see you guys next year

